World Cup x Mallorca

How do we prepare for the world’s biggest football event, the World Cup in Mallorca? Will large screen monitors be set up at Plaças and where are the best spots to see the games? we hope to shed some light and answer some questions with this introductory article about the World Cup in football. The most amazing thing about living on such an international island is that you can wear any national football jersey without been looked at strangely and you can experience and feel the joy as if you were in the country playing the match.

The Spaniards are a football loving nation so it’s not a strange thing that football is the biggest sport here and therefore, it’s quite obvious that a number of bars and restaurants will be showing all the matches. This means that you will certainly be able to see Sweden’s journey without Zlatan Ibrahimovic, or maybe you choose to take Ibras words literally “a world cup without me will not be worth watching” and just spend your time at one of the many beach clubs on the island. In that case have a look at our article regarding that.  

Are you a big fan of Germany and hope they defend their win and keep the World Cup pokal for another four years? Arenal is the place to be! Sit down with a cold Paulaner or a Löwenbräu in one of the many sports bars and inhale the atmosphere. If it’s England you want to see wining, then head to Palmanova or Calvia are. Put your three-lion’s jersey on, try to find a table early, preferably 2 hours before the game starts, warm up you voice and join in to one of the many chants. But let’s not forget that we are actually in Spain and the best place to get sucked into the Spanish atmosphere is to find a local bar / restaurant, load up with tapas and cerveza. Most importantly, don’t hold your feelings back, when that goal has been scored, remember not to think just act and tune into the goooooooooooool, gool goole gooool scream.

Mallorca has also a large population of Argentineans, Uruguayans, Colombians, Russians, Moroccans, Senegalese. So why stick to a place when you have the whole world on an island! Look, taste, breathe and live the World Cup. Where do these nationalities go? Go there, order the typical traditional dish and go with the flow. Isn’t that what the World Cup is all about, how the sport and its joy brings us together and make us learn more about each other. Have a great World Cup!

Massar Midgley Mahdi, Team Assistant @ Mallorcaresidencia

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