Vintage Posters in New Shop in Palma

Recently we have decorated our office in Santa Catalina with a touch of nostalgic flair; two vintage posters from a very special shop in Palma. We definitely recommend a visit to this retro-shop in the old town where you can find exclusive travel posters and post cards from the Balearic Islands with the groovy colorful signature from the 60’s.

Founded in Galle Fort, Sri Lanka in 2011, Stick No Bills™ is the number one destination for vintage poster art and retro poster design celebrating the profound beauty, history and culture of Ceylon and Iberia. 

Based between their Iberia flagship gallery in Palma De Mallorca and their Ceylon flagship gallery in Galle Fort, Stick No Bills digitally re-master, design, print, frame and ship limited edition travel posters and postcards using the world’s finest inks and paper. 


A Tale of Two Islands

Two different islands, both with a remarkable beauty host this concept shop that cares for an ethical and solidary impress on each art piece.

Although founded 7 years ago in Sri Lanka, Stick No Bills founders Meg Gage Williams and Phillip Baber felt the calling to expand the business and move to the Mediterranean along with their young family, transporting the Stick No Bills concept from one richly historical island of profound beauty to another – Mallorca was the obvious choice. 

Faith Anciano who runs the shop in Palma tells us how the project since it started believes in giving back. Proceeds from all sales here in Mallorca go to Medicos sin Fronteras. They are also founding members of Greener Galle and sponsors of the Sri Lankan Wildlife Conservation Society and the Galle Heritage Foundation. When you buy the posters you help fund these important eco, humanitarian, archaeological and conservational initiatives.


Stick No Bills™ is an ethical enterprise which upholds image authenticity, ownership and copyright as paramount, operating as we do in countries such as Sri Lanka, Spain and the United Kingdom which all remain committed signatories of the Berne Convention of 1886.

All Stick No Bills™ posters are exclusive copyright The Poster Design Group (UK) Limited. Each poster is therefore embossed with this London-based archives company’s seal of authenticity. This mark is a guarantee that the poster(s) you purchase are genuine Stick No Bills™ prints and that the true owners of copyright have been paid.



For more information visit the gallery at Calle Temple 5,  07001 Palma De Mallorca situated at the heart of Palma´s historic old town (just a five minute walk from the Cathedral and the beach) or online at or call Faith Anciano on +34639929637.


Opening hours:

Monday to Saturday 11:00 – 19:00

and also by appointment.



Massar Midgley Mahdi, Team Assistant @ Mallorcaresidencia

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