SOLLER TO SOLLER – Paddle Adventure to Save the Sea

In June 2018 Cat Friend and Valerie Bisbal will be paddle boarding around Mallorca to raise money and awareness for ocean conservation. They have been started in Soller on June 1st and will expect to be back after 14 days.

The adventure has two objectives:

First to create a new world record in being the first two people on a Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) to circumnavigate the island. Mallorca measures 70km east to west and 100km north to south, providing 555km of coastline. Steep cliffs dominate the north coast of the island and whilst being beautiful in rugged scenery there are few places to land and shelter.

Second to raise funds and awareness for Asociación Ondine who help fund projects to remove plastic and other material in our seas that harm fish, dolphins and other sea creatures and contaminate our beaches. Last year Asociación Ondine removed 2.2 tones of rubbish from Mallorca’s beaches and 600m of ghost nets (lost or left fishing net) from the surrounding seas.  

Read more about Ondine and Cat and Valerie: SOLLER TO SOLLER

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